AfriqAir webinar (website:

"Research from and a discussion with the African Group on Atmospheric Sciences (ANGA): Uniting atmospheric expertise across Africa"

12 August 2021

13:00-14:30 GMT/UTC

Register at google form:

The Fourth ACAM Training School will be focused on Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols in the Asian Monsoon region using Satellite and Model data. The school is fully on-line and has the goal to enhance the capacity of early career scientists in the areas of atmospheric composition data analysis using satellite remote sensing, model and analysis products. The training school will provide lectures and tutorials on using the latest and comprehensive global datasets on atmospheric composition.

Save the date for the PACES open science meeting, May 26th-28th, 2021. 

Day 1 - 26 May 2021 (1100-1400 UTC)

  • Session 1: Arctic air pollutants, long-range transport and global linkages 

Day 2 - 27 May 2021 (1200 - 1500 UTC)

Held Virtually Globally

“Improving understanding of land-atmosphere interactions through integration of surface flux and atmospheric boundary layer measurements”.

Registration Deadline: May 25th for registration, abstract submission, and poster submission. 

Online European Geophysical Union Conference.